Apr 28, 2019
In this episode we look at the gift of miracles. Do miracles still take place today? Do miracle-workers exist? In our Good News Segment, we hear about a church who paid off medical debt for everyone in their state that was in desperate need. Today's Word is from John 8, where Jesus proclaims to be God.
Apr 21, 2019
In this episode, we look the question: Did God turn his back on Jesus? Many preachers believe that God is so holy that he can't look on sin. Is that the case? Is it true that while Jesus was on the cross, God had to turn his back on him? Tune in to find out!
Music: hooksounds.com
Apr 14, 2019
In this episode, we study the gift of mercy, which I believe is one of the church's most important spiritual gifts. Our Good News is about a teen who was healed through prayer. Our Unreached People Group is the Nai of India. And Today's Word comes from John 8, where Jesus is talking to the religious leaders about who is...
Apr 7, 2019
In this episode, we continue our study on the spiritual gifts by looking at the gift of discernment. Our Good News is about a group of preschoolers surviving a tornado. This week's Unreached People Group is the Mahratta of India and Today's Word comes from John 8.
Music: hooksounds.com
Apr 3, 2019
In this special episode, I continue the series on my personal walk with Christ. This time I'm looking at what it's like to be called by God and the profound impact it's had on my life. I believe we are all called by God for a specific purpose and that calling can get us through some of the toughest times in...